Our churches today, and we as lay leaders, are complelled to develop and encourage personal relationships with Christ as Savior and Lord, teaching His precepts in an uncompromised way and leading others to Him by our word and example through His word, example and spirit. We must receive God's call to build ourselves up and in the process build others up too. We build up our churches, one person at a time. It is essential that we know that building healthy relationships is essential and vital...That is what our churches today should be all about, building trust and advocating obedience to God's word. Quite honestly, one cannot do justice to this subject in a few brief paragraphs. Readers are invited to view some of my sermons as a lay minister by clicking on the "pages" displayed to the right, just under the above blog masthead.


A brief message prepared for presentation during Communion services.

People use microscopes and telescopes to bring into view something otherwise invisible. Likewise, the Lord’s Supper is intended by God to bring before us, in clear spiritual vision our Savior and His sacrifice.

Memory can play tricks on us. At times, facts are only partially remembered  and confused.  So, it is the place and significance of the Lord’s Supper to keep our memory clear, straight, and focused.

What we discern serves as an anchor to our faith.  As we discern in this action of worship we are connected to the past. We are given meaning for the present and, we are inspired with hope for the future.

The Lord’s Supper reminds us who we are and whose we are.  We have been called and chosen in Christ . (2 Thessalonians 2:14)

As we partake of the Lord’s Supper we examine ourselves.

1) No one can judge another’s motives – each must examine himself.

2) We must consider our attitudes and actions.

3) The Lord’s Supper is a call to repentance.

While the Lord is always with His faithful, there is a very special and intimate way that He is with us during the Lord’s Supper.  This vital identification with Christ was initiated when we were baptized into Him and is continued when we sup with Him, and He with us. Remember that Jesus promised to drink with us in the Kingdom (Matthew 26:29).

So, each Lord’s Day there is a fresh and loving encounter with Christ.  It is a designated place and time when He keeps an appointment with us. Some of our brethren have not learned this, have they. They miss the Lord’s Supper indiscriminately.

Jesus said, “This do in remembrance of me”  We have a challenge before us this morning to “REMEMBER” as we partake of the Lord’s Supper.  We must discipline our minds,,,We must control any wandering thoughts.

What are some things we should remember as we sup with Christ in His feast?

1) Remember His Name => Philippians 2:9.

2) Remember His works (creation and redemption) => Colossians 1:14-18.

3) Remember His love => Ephesians 3:18-19.

4) Remember His exaltation:

a. He arose! => 2 Timothy 2:8,

b. He reigns! => Hebrews 4:14 – and as a result => Ephesians 1:22-23


1. 1 Corinthians 10:17.

2. Not only is the Lord’s Supper a memorial meal – it is a sharing meal.

1) As we partake of the Lord’s Supper we bear witness to the unity of the body of Christ.

2) There are no “superiors” or inferiors” at the Lord’s Table. “The ground is level at the foot of the cross.”

3) The Supper is a call to unity.

3. This bond was so strong in the early church that:

1) They shared one heart and one mind,

2) When one suffered, all suffered,

3) When one was weakened, all were affected,

4) When one was strengthened, all were built up.

4. The Lord’s table should prevent all bitterness and backbiting among those who share a place in the body of Christ.

1) It should promote greater love among us

2) Pettiness is beneath the dignity of those redeemed in blood of the Lamb.


1. 1 Corinthians 11:26.

2. As we partake of the Lord’s Supper we preach a powerful sermon – “we proclaim the Lord’s death.”

3. What does participation in the Lord’s Supper proclaim?

1) It proclaims the vital facts of the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).

2) It preaches “that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

3) It affirms that “faith is alive and well.”

4) It testifies “that Jesus is not dead, but lives.”

5) It declares He is coming (John 14).

6) It states that Judgment is sure (Acts 17:30-31).

4. The great essentials of the gospel are preserved in this memorial.

Our worship is not only offering our praise to God – it is expressing our faith upwardly and outwardly.

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